Food & Recipes

Food is central to Jewish custom and observance.

WRJ Cookbook Collection

Started in 1996, the WRJ Cookbook Collection houses more than 327 cookbooks from sisterhoods worldwide at the HUC-JIR Library in Cincinnati, OH. View a list of cookbooks in our collection WRJ’s cookbooks can be traced back to the publication in 1888 of The Fair Cookbook, by the Ladies of...

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Stories from the Kitchen

Of Matzah Balls and Memories

I stood in front of the open refrigerator door, peering intently inside as if the multi-layered plastic containers filled with the leftovers would give me the answer to my question. THE question, of course.. the one I had asked myself every morning this week. What will I take to work for lunch?

Challah Recipe Creates Holiday Memories

As I was leaving the JCC one night following a meeting where we discussed, among other things, reaching out to new populations, I received a text message from my son. Since he often sends me pictures of the cutest, most adorable, smartest grandchild on earth, I immediately read the message which...